The Heart Of Oakridge
From the moment I knew that God had gifted my husband and me with a child, this had been my prayer….that my children will grow up rooted in Christ, bearing fruit that speaks of the freedom and joy found in Him. That they would come to know the Father in such an intimate way and that obedience would just be an outflow of their faith in the One who created them.
As they grew up I came to realise that I could not fit them into the mould the current education system was offering…. not if I wanted my prayer answered. So I went to my Father and He planted a seed… a dream that there can be a school where children are not only educated, but discipled. An environment where learning can be an adventure, where teachers can model a life in Christ, where it is okay to just be who God created them to be – where children can be children and discover life and the world in a safe environment that feels like home.
And so the dream became reality in 2014 when my son had to start Grade 1. We knew that we could not be the only parents with this desire, and soon found 8 more families who wanted to offer their children more than just the ability to read and write.
We soon discovered that most learning takes place in doing things, through experiencing life. Learning requires walking right beside each child in order to facilitate their learning process as well as to witness the discoveries and revelations they find on their journey.
“They are like trees planted along a stream, bearing fruit at the right time.
Their leaves never whither, and they prosper in all they do…” Psalm 1:3
It became our aim to lay firm foundations for the children God brought our way through cultivating bright adventurous minds, exposing them to LIFE, planting God’s Word in their hearts and serving alongside them.
One cannot explain the joy when a child reads his/her first word, sentence, book – but oh what unspeakable joy when a child reads the Bible for themselves the first time, and their eyes sparkle with the deep realisation, not only that they can read, but that they can read God’s precious words for themselves! As I witnessed this happen before my eyes, I experienced one of the most exciting private moments with my Lord….He allowed me to taste and see His goodness through the eyes of six-year-olds!
Being part of God’s work at Oakridge is a privilege and honour. We believe He is raising a generation who will think ‘outside the box’, who will lead where others might fear to go, and who will be men and women of faith… Oaks of righteousness, a display for His splendour!